Monday, November 8, 2010

.5571 "My film cameras."

Originally uploaded by hildagrahnat

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


In the past decade, the most common architectural pattern used to build web applications is the n-tier architectural pattern. n-tier patterns mainly consists of a presentation tier which contains the interface code, the business logic tier that focuses on the core logic of the client and the data access tier that is responsible for retrieving and storing data to the backend.

One of the main common problems I have faced when dealing with n-tier architectural patterns is having the business logic and data access tiers pushed towards the user interface tier until it is impossible to revert the code done. When working with ASP.NET forms one has to learn to be disciplined in coding. Common issues like SQL queries are not hardcoded as strings in the data layer.

Lately I have been reading and trying an alternative architecture which is gaining popularity. This architecture is known as MVC (Model-View-Controller). This pattern helps to encourage the splitting of components into their respective tiers. i.e. (application control, business logic and User Interface).

Around 2 weeks ago at the MIX conference, Microsoft released ASP.NET MVC 1.0. It is a completely free product which enables developers to code web applications using model view controller pattern. It also has full control over HTML markup and URL structure. It helps the test driven development.

I will post more details about the ASP.NET MVC architecture with more examples. In the meantime you can find a lot of useful resources in the ASP.NET Official site by going in the
ASP.NET MVC section

ASP.NET 4.0 Roadmap

Scott Hunter who worked at Microsoft on ASP.NET as a Project Manager has provided a 77.40 mins session on ASP.NET 4.0 Roadmap. The main objectives of this session are:-
  • To walk through the ASP.NET 4.0 features
  • Discuss audiences and scenarios and competition
  • Understand how community is a key part of ASP.NET's design process.
Learn how to take control of your controlIDs, using the new DynamicImages to display images, take more control of the CSS markup of ASP.NET server controls. In this session it is also shows the further advancments in client rendering and binding. It also explains how to create applications with MVC.

You can view this session here - PDC 2008

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pure Client Side Development with ASP.NET AJAX 4.0

In this episode of 10-4, a good 26mins 56sec video introduces the new features and functionality of ASP.NET 4.0. Jonathan Carter also shows how ASP AJAX can be geared in a complete client-side environment. This episode also demonstrates the new client templates, data binding and command bubbling behavior making data-centric applications using Java Script easier. ADO.NET Data Services integration making performing CRUD operations very trivial.

Also note that the demo demonstrated in this episode contains the main features available in Codeplex, such as the DataView control, bindings, command bubbling and ADO.NET Services integrations. However the change tracking functionality and the ability to save changes back to the service aren't. That behavior will be included in the next Codeplex preview, along with much more.

Enjoy this 8th episode of 10-4 by clicking here.